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Social & Mobile

As B2B marketers closely measure the ROI of social media marketing, this section highlights trends in the use of social and mobile to interact with prospects and buyers on social networks and through smartphones and tablets.

Industry Experts Share Their Best Social Media Marketing Advice

As a Millennial, I’ve been an advocate of social media since the early days of MySpace. Peer recommendations continue to be a major selling point in both B2B and B2C communities, and I can’t help but be fascinated with the role social media marketing plays in today’s 140-character limit world.

Act-On Debuts New Module For Social Media Attribution

Act-On’s Advanced Social Media Module adds social publishing, listening and reporting capabilities to the company’s marketing automation platform. The company says the solution can provide marketers with a clearer picture of social media's overall business value, including its role in powering the larger customer experience (awareness, acquisition, retention, expansion) and…
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