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The 2015 Marketing Automation Outlook Guide

As we start 2015, many of the themes from 2014 — data-driven marketing, advanced lead scoring capabilities, predictive analytics and tracking campaign effectiveness — will continue to influence the marketing automation landscape. Overall, there continues to be a major push to build more meaningful relationships with prospects. B2B marketers are increasingly turning to predictive marketing strategies to help identify the…

The Demand Gen Report 2013 Consulting Guide

CMOs are under pressure to show a return on their investments even as the marketing automation industry continues to grow at breakneck speed. How can marketers keep pace with the latest technology when they are already struggling to meet their lead generation quotas? Consultants can bridge this gap by helping B2B marketers understand this fast-moving space and develop the right…

Dreamforce 2012 Cloud Expo Highlights: All Star Apps

The Dreamforce Cloud Expo will open next week in San Francisco with more than 350 companies showcasing over 1,000 solutions designed for use with the Salesforce platform. If your company is looking for solutions to strengthen its sales and marketing operations, the Cloud Expo is the place to be. With so many choices, however, it can be tough to…

Quick Start Guide: Creating Killer Content

Today’s marketers need to focus on adding value and delivering unique insights — it’s all about supporting the buyer’s decision-making process. A recent DemandGen Report survey found that 75% of business executives would encourage solution providers creating content to “curb the sales messages” and focus more the business. Check out the QuickStart Guide to Creating Killer Content, an easy read…

Guide To Marketing Automation Solutions - May 2012

The B2B marketing automation industry is growing rapidly, as organizations tap technology to enhance their demand generation efforts and implement processes for repeatable success. Marketing automation providers across the board indicated record-breaking growth in Q1 2012, as well as plans for aggressive expansion in personnel and product offerings. According to SiriusDecisions benchmarks, 18% of B2B organizations are using a marketing…