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Categorized in two ways – by Type and by Topic – the Resource Center offers access to webinar coverage, white papers, E-books, Infographics and more. Looking for the latest custom content covering marketing automation, lead scoring or nurturing? This is where you’ll find it!

How do you Score?

Download the Silverpop Vtrenz benchmark study of Lead Management practices so you can compare your lead management program results with industry averages. Silverpop analyzed data from 250 business-to-business companies to uncover key measurements of successful campaigns.Download Now

Lead-Management Workbook

Everything You Need to Know About Moving Prospects Through the Pipeline. This workbook is packed with 40 pages of expert tips and hands-on exercises to help you nurture leads through the buying cycle, develop a comprehensive lead-scoring model, deliver accurate, unbiased ROI reporting, and so much more. Download Now

Is Dirty Data Sabotaging Your Marketing Results?

This whitepaper presents the QuickStart Data Refreshing Methodology to help you quickly identify your data cleansing requirements, align your marketing strategy with your data refreshing and collection processes and produce better results from your marketing programs.Download Now

Sales 2.0 - Faster Sales in a Slower Economy

It's easy to be pessimistic about sales during a slow economy, but many companies are still buying strongly. Learn how to identify and expedite high-potential sales opportunities.Download Now.

Laser Targeted Lead Generation

This white paper will help you easily identify your sweet spot, the vertical markets in which you sell the most or the fastest. Find other business buyers in your sweet spot that you should be targeting with your Marketing campaigns.Download Now.

5 Fast Payoffs From Investing in a Demand Generation Solution

This white paper provides marketing executives with a roadmap of quick paybacks they can expect from implementing a demand generation solution.In addition, this paper provides easy-to-implement, action items that will enable you to achieve quick wins in days and weeks, rather than months upon implementing a demand generation solution. Download Now

Online Marketing: Making the Invisible Visible, Accelerate PPC Leads to Revenue

A prospect has clicked on your GoogleAd or organically found you through a search engine, what happens next? Only 3% of web visitors fill out a form, so what about the other 97%? This white paper presents a four-step process to turn passive programs into proactive, profitable action. To turn your PPC leads and other web traffic into qualified leads.Download…

Old School Manufacturing Meets New School Marketing

Companies from all industries are embracing on-demand marketing automation. Find out in this Case Study how a company out-marketed their competitors by making the leap from rolodex to state-of-the-art demand generation and search engine marketing.Download Now

Ready to Boost Revenue by Up to 10%?

It's easier than you think. The latest white paper from Manticore Technology gives you five actionable ways to unite Sales and Marketing for the betterment of your company, your clients, and your bottom line. Filled with specifics, how-to's, and best practices, this complimentary white paper gives you unique ways to keep Sales and Marketing working toward a common goal. Hear…

From Cold to Hot: Lead Nurturing That Generates Sales

Transform cold leads into hot prospects with powerful strategies and tactics that nurture leads through the buying process and help sales to close the deal. Silverpop's latest white paper shows you how. Silverpop's Vtrenz Solution. Download Now

Digital Body Language: Reading & Responding To Your Prospects' Buying Behavior

Just as the internet transformed the way consumers buy and sell products, a similar revolution is taking place in the business world. Download this white paper to learn how advanced marketers are transforming their sales and marketing processes to track online behavior to quickly identify buyers that are "raising their hands" to show interest in their solution.Download Now
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