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White Papers

The Human Touch: Achieve Humanization In A Digital Marketing World

We're all looking to create a lasting impression to stand out loud and clear above the noise of competitors. It can seem like an eternal struggle with no clear answers, but we already know that humans connect with, relate to and identify best with other humans. Most B2B marketers are missing an element of "human" in their marketing strategy. Think…

Building Better Customer Relationships By Using Incentives

The way we reach and market to our customers and prospects has changed. As in-person events are no longer a viable option, more businesses are turning to online solutions for unique ways to engage with their audiences. Marketing strategies that worked before might need a little tweaking, but a good way to stand out is to offer something unique to…

The B2B Practitioner’s Guide To Data-Fueled Marketing

For successful B2B organizations, keeping a pulse on customers' changing needs is critical. In today's digital environment, 87% of customer experience (CX) professionals say customer feedback is more important than ever. Gathering and acting on feedback throughout the customer journey can help B2B organizations: Stay in touch with what is happening in their customers' worlds; Uncover new market opportunities and…

How To Build An Enterprise Marketing Strategy With B2B Intent Data

For the better part of a decade, data-driven observations of customer behavior have relied heavily on insights derived from first-party data—insight into what actions customers take directly on an organization's website. While this approach has strong pros for increasing account growth or capitalizing on inbound leads, the decision making process in the buyer journey often starts long before a prospect…

The Customer Journey Handbook

Delivering an outstanding experience at every stage of the customer journey is the key to meeting customer expectations. As B2B marketers, the customer experience we construct relies heavily on content and its ability to educate buyers. This is precisely why customer experience and content experience go hand in hand. In this guide, you'll learn about all the content experiences you…

Checklist For Choosing A Partner Portal To Accelerate Your Channel Program

Between achieving channel key performance indicators (KPIs) and company revenue growth, the right partner portal can help move the needle. What's more, the best partner portals facilitate marketing automation; real-time communication and collaboration; and accelerated performance through training, data and reports. This checklist covers how to evaluate your channel's needs. It reviews the features you should look for in a…

A Guide To The New Era Of Agile Marketing Planning

This spring was a wake-up call to all marketers that the traditional planning process isn't working anymore. Planning programs and locking in spend a year in advance leaves no room to pivot when markets shift or company processes demand it. We're twisting ourselves into knots that we can't get out of. Marketers are working harder, with less resources, and need…