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2022 Marketing Platform Guide: Experts Sound Off On The New Role Of Technology

Over the past decade, marketing automation platforms (MAP) have become the center of most tech stacks and helped shape the behaviors and strategies of many B2B organizations. However, given the stronger emphasis on ABM programs and the shift toward more personalized segmented campaigns, the role and definition of marketing platforms has evolved.We reached out to some of the top thought…

What’s Working In Personalization? Marketers Rely On Relevancy To Drive Targeted Buying Experiences

Personalization is no longer a demand — it’s an expectation. With clear influences on the B2C side (see: Amazon’s recommended products and Netflix’s “up next” predictability), buyers are demanding relevant experiences that make them feel valued. It comes as no surprise, then, that about 1/3 of marketers recognized this change and enhanced their personalization strategies over the past year. This…

2021 State Of Intent Data: Marketers Create Intent Profiles, Curate Self-Service Buying Journeys & Nurture Buyers Post-Sale With First-Party Insights

Every marketer wants to target the right prospects at the right time with the right information. The goal is to get in front of buyers as they research their next big investment before your competitors have a chance to drown out your message. What makes that possible? Intent data. The evolving buyer demands of the modern digital world are changing how…

2022 Database Strategies & Contact Acquisition Benchmark Survey Report: Personalization, Third-Party Partnerships Top Priorities As Marketers Move Toward More Mature Database Strategies

A marketing campaign is only as good as the database behind it. As B2B teams face increasing pressure to identify high-value accounts and deliver personalized messaging at every stage of the buyer's journey, the quality of their database is becoming increasingly important. The 2022 Database Strategies & Contact Acquisition Benchmark Survey revealed that many marketers have realized that their database…

State of Sales Technology: Top Brands Adopting New Applications & Approaches To Increase Reps’ Productivity And Efficiency

The bottom line in this digital-first climate is it's a buyer's world and sales reps are just living in it. Between the desire for self-service buying journeys and increased expectations for relevance and personalization, there are various contradictory demands emerging concurrently, driving new opportunities and needs for sales technology. Though sales tech has always been an essential component of the…

What’s Working In Partner Relationship Management? How Channel Teams & Partner-Friendly Management Solutions Optimize Program Engagement

Effective partner relationship management (PRM) — always a challenge for even the most skilled channel leaders — is becoming increasingly critical to the success of well-established firms and start-up companies especially. Seismic shifts in the typical B2B buyer's journey are demanding deeper and more timely data-informed evaluations of every vendor's partner ecosystem. Crafting and implementing nimble and effective channel engagement…