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How To Improve Your Partner Strategy

If you're experiencing stagnant revenue or a variety of programs no longer aligned with your business strategy, it's a sign your partner program needs an update. Discover how motivating partners will help you increase revenue, expand partner loyalty and improve customer relationships in this E-book. You'll learn: The 5 factors impacting partner engagement; 6 ideas to increase your partner support;…

The Definitive Guide To Marketing Automation

Marketing automation allows businesses to save time and money, measure and optimize marketing investments and grow revenue faster. According to benchmark analysis, businesses that use marketing automation can grow their pipeline by 45%, enjoy 25% higher revenue and allow sales reps to spend 22% more time selling. Dive into this definitive guide to marketing automation to learn: Why marketing automation…

The Webinar Playbook: Game-Changing Strategies From 10 Top B2B Marketers

According to research from, 73% of marketing and sales leaders said webinars are the best way to generate quality leads. But as buyer preferences evolve, a traditional webinar model (think generic slideshows complemented by a single voice on audio) may not always cut through the noise and drive the high engagement it used to. To learn how marketers are…

The Tactile Marketing Automation Idea Book

The digital world is a crowded place. No one is going out of their way to hear what you have to say. You have to get in front of them in a memorable, engaging way. But how? A tactile marketing automation solution can help you drive results through the send of personalized, high-impact dimensional mail, directly from your marketing automation…

What’s Next In Modern Marketing?

10 Industry Experts Sound Off On The Trends, Tactics & Tech Revolutionizing The Future Of B2B In an era of constant change and disruption, B2B marketing teams must learn to adapt and grow at a quick pace. Traditional, cold marketing tactics simply won't cut through the noise anymore, especially as B2B buyers continue to be influenced by the personalized experiences…

How To Collect And Act On The Net Promoter Score

Collect customer feedback? That's a great start! Research shows that 83% of businesses who describe themselves as "successful" measure customer satisfaction. In fact, research published in the Harvard Business Review shows that the act of asking customers for their feedback makes them happier — and can increase their likelihood of shopping with a brand again. But if you're like many…

ABM Playbook: Tips And Tactics For Account Based Marketing Success

ABM. The acronym is bouncing off walls and whiteboards across the industry, as account-based marketing fever sweeps the nation. While everyone name drops it, if you start hunting for ABM tactics, you may come up short. If you're already on board, but you don't know how to get started, this playbook is for you. Here's what's inside: Seven questions to…