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Twitter Beefs Up Keyword Matching Options For Promoted Tweets

recently announced a new set of features designed to help marketers target Promoted Tweets within the social media site's search results.

The changes, detailed last week on the company's advertising services blog, include three new options for fine-tuning targeted keywords: exact match, phrase match and basic keyword match. Marketers can also select negative keywords to keep Promoted Tweets from appearing in an inappropriate situation.

"For instance, if you sell bacon, you can now keep your campaigns more than six degrees apart from Kevin Bacon by using 'Kevin' as a negative keyword," wrote Kevin Weil, Director, Product Management for Twitter, in a recent post.

Weil added: Twitter has also added keyword import capabilities that allow marketers to use keyword lists created for other search advertising platforms.

In addition, a new matching option will pair Promoted Tweets with relevant trending topics on the site, based upon a marketer's Promoted Tweet auction preferences.

According to Twitter, all of the new capabilities are now available to the service's marketing clients worldwide.