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Marvdevdm2 Revamps Brand & Services Catering To Pull Strategy Marketing

Mardevdm2, a global data and marketing services partner and division of Reed Business Information, recently unveiled its new brand, focused on sales and marketing alignment, integrating data with demand generation programs and end-to-end marketing program management.

Built on a “strategy to results” approach, the new brand launch is aimed at keeping up with ongoing marketing community trends. The mardevdm2 brand has expanded its global service portfolio with the addition of demand generation and marketing automation programs, market segmentation and targeting profiling, lead nurturing, analysis and scoring and buyer propensity modeling.

“The mardevdm2 brand [is designed] to continue to address [marketers’] data needs, while expanding into other areas they may need help with, such as filling in the gaps in their marketing strategy,” said Zina Manda, Director of mardevdm2. “The marketing community is going through a transformation, as it moves from push to pull strategies, and creates ongoing engagement instead of one-time tactical approaches. We aim to educate and support that transition as marketers adopt demand generation, marketing analytics and sophisticated response modeling techniques to drive measurable revenue from their marketing efforts.”

The new services are built on the foundation of the targeted, qualified marketing data that has been the basis for the list rental and database marketing business. The data remains an essential factor, however when fused with the message, engagement practices create the greatest response and provide a better marketing opportunity.

In April 2011, mardevdm2 introduced 60 million global business professionals through its DecisionMaker Global service, which included BuyerZone, CFE Media, Financial Media Group and Lexis-Nexis, among others. This service eliminated the amount of “guesswork” for marketers who target engineering, manufacturing, IT, finance and other hard-to-reach markets around the world.  
