Televerde Rolls Out New Marketing Automation & Lead Nurturing Audit
- Published in Industry News
Televerde, a BtoB provider of sales pipeline development solutions, recently introduced a new offer of complimentary audits of marketing automation (MA) configuration and utilization. Designed to help companies optimize the return on marketing automation investments, the audit report Televerde provides includes a list of the MA tool features that are being utilized effectively, which are not, and proposes changes to optimize effective use of the system to track, nurture and accelerate leads.
Televerde is offering this service complimentary for companies whose audit requests are scheduled to occur no later than Dec. 31, 2011. The offer is open to organizations using either Marketo or Eloqua tools. The audit includes:
- Discovery Consultation;
- Configuration Audit Report;
- Executive Summary;
- MA Scorecard;
- Pipeline Analysis;
- Recommendations; and
- Findings review/Q&A.
According to Televerde, the typical audit is a one-week process that includes some telephone time with the individual or team responsible for an organization’s automation deployment to understand how the platform is currently being used, objectives, challenges and desired outcomes of the audit. Upon completion of the audit interview and gathering preliminary data, the audit process includes an assessment of: Tracking, Database Health, Subscription Management, Email Setup, CRM Integration & Lead Routing, Sales Enablement Tools, Nurturing Check, Social Media Integration, Platform-specific Settings and Best Practices, and Lead Funnel Conversion Analysis.
“According to respondents of our recent B2B Marketing Research Study, 28% of organizations with marketing automation tools use them only occasionally; 47% are realizing only some of its benefits; and 33% are experiencing MA deployment and management challenges,” explained Bryan Ehrenfreund, VP of Digital Strategies for Televerde, “These findings are supported by other industry research, so there’s no doubt that many organizations are struggling to achieve the maximum results from their MA strategy. Our audit is designed to directly address these issues.”
Televerde is extending its complimentary Marketing Automation & Lead Nurturing Audit to users of Marketo and Eloqua marketing automation platforms. Audit requests should be scheduled to occur by no later than Dec. 31, 2011.