Skura Upgrades Sales Enablement Platform For Greater Visibility
- Written by Kim Zimmermann
- Published in Revenue Strategies
Sales enablement provider Skura Corp. enhanced its Skura SFX technology platform to provide greater levels of insight, visibility and auditability throughout the entire sales process.
This next generation technology, which the company calls adaptive sales enablement, is designed to align customer interests and behavior with the content, messaging, and activities of sales and marketing teams.
Adaptive sales enablement offers new levels of customer and sales engagement by:
- Supporting sales reps before the initial sales call with customer data sourced from multiple channels and systems;
- Collecting accurate customer engagement metrics during the sales call, as well as before and after;
- Measuring customer actions and content engagement levels on an ongoing basis, across all channels;
- Adapting marketing content and sales approaches accordingly to fulfill customer needs; and
- Using predictive analytics to identify the optimal messages, channels, and times for future interactions with individual customers.
“Skura SFX helps to make the conversation between sales rep and customer more engaging, and sales reps can be informed about all of a prospect’s interactions without having to log into the CRM,” said Loren Padelford, EVP of Sales, Skura Corp., in an interview with Demand Gen Report. “Our system has a direct connection with HubSpot, Marketo, LinkedIn, Twitter and Oracle, and can integrate with other systems through a robust API. Moreover, the Skura SFX platform with adaptive sales enablement lets you know how your best reps are engaging customers, what marketing spend is providing ROI, and what best practices you should be sharing with the entire team to help each sales rep increase their transaction rates.”