COVID-19 Update

Demanding Views

Five Marketing "Best Practices" To Re-evaluate

By Braveen Kumar, Uberflip

Braveen Kumar HeadshotSooner or later, when they receive enough attention, useful advice and content marketing tactics run the risk of giving birth to buzzwords and generalized best practices.

Somewhere down the line, we lose sight of their initial usefulness or, worse, how they've evolved over time. It’s worth taking another look at these “best practices” to revisit their real value and relevance.

  • Written by Brian Anderson
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 3127

Why Marketers Need to Look Beyond YouTube for their Video Strategy

By Tyler Lessard, CMO, Vidyard

tylerLessard 550x310As the CMO of a video marketing platform company, I understand that you might feel skeptical when I say that video is now a critical part of digital marketing programs — and that moving beyond YouTube as a hosting platform is becoming a strategic imperative for modern marketers. However, the independent research analysts at Forrester have just published a detailed report on this topic that brings to light some of the key limitations that marketers face with YouTube and what they need to consider as they expand their use of video across marketing and sales.

In their new report, “Market Overview: Online Video Platforms for Sales and Marketing,” Forrester looks at the challenges of scaling video libraries as well as the potential benefits of advanced video analytics and integrations with existing marketing and sales workflows.

  • Written by Brian Anderson
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 3583

How to Align Your Teleprospecting and Sales Teams

By Kathy Rizzo, TeleNet Marketing Solutions

Kathy Rizzo HeadshotHow do you get a higher rate of return on your next teleprospecting campaign? All it may take is a little alignment.

If sales teams and teleprospectors are on the same page, you may see more leads converting to the pipeline. Aligning your teleprospecting team closely with your sales organizations will ultimately ensure the highest return on investment.

  • Written by Brian Anderson
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 3261