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Content Strategies

Shifts in B2B buying patterns call for a new, soft-selling approach. This section highlights the rapidly evolving need to demonstrate value propositions via content marketing and educate prospects more effectively.

Smart Forms Rewrite The B2B Landing Page Playbook

Smartforms"Relevance" is the mantra for today's B2B content marketers. Look beyond the content, however, and you'll see other changes transforming another key to any successful lead generation campaign: the landing page.

Yesterday's passé laundry-list web landing pages are giving way to a very different approach. Intuitive web forms powered by backend databases can recognize and profile “anonymous” visitors, populate forms automatically and deliver content – all in a quick and seamless flow.

  • Written by Owen McDonald, Contributing Editor
  • Category: Content Strategies
  • Hits: 6268

Marketing Operations Executive Summit Spotlights Best-In-Class Content Marketing And Reporting

MoesPersonalized content, closed loop reporting, process automation and other topics surrounding marketing operations will come into focus during the inaugural Marketing Operations Executive Summit. The two-day event was developed by MarcomCentral, a marketing asset management and distributed marketing solution by PTI Marketing Technologies Inc.

Study Shows Continued Growth In Content Marketing Budgets

Marketers continue to invest aggressively in content marketing, according to a study released last week by the Custom Content Council.

The study, "The Spending Study: A Look at How Corporate America Invests in Branded Content for 2012," is the organization's twelfth annual survey. It included responses from 177 enterprise marketing organizations.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Content Strategies
  • Hits: 2870

Curata Survey: Measurement A Missing Link In Marketing Programs

While content marketing is now a common practice, many businesses still fail to measure the outcome of their programs, according to the results of a new B2B marketing survey from Curata.

The company's second annual B2B Marketing Survey, conducted in October 2012, included more than 450 marketing professionals. This year, 82% of the respondents ranked content marketing as their most important objective, up from 78% last year. According to the survey, the three most common content marketing objectives include driving sales, establishing thought leadership and boosting brand awareness.

  • Written by Matthew S. McKenzie
  • Category: Content Strategies
  • Hits: 3990

Experts Reveal Content Marketing Truisms—And A Few Important Non-Truisms

Content marketing is nothing new. Regardless of the type of content, the goals remain the same: inform, educate, engage and provide value to prospects.

A recent content marketing roundtable, sponsored by Bizo, highlighted different aspects of content marketing followed by executive viewpoints from panelists: Joe Chernov, VP of Marketing for Kivey; Ann Handley, Chief Content Officer at MarketingProfs; Matt Johnson, CMO of uTest; and Todd Wheatland, VP of Thought Leadership and Marketing for Kelly Services.

Study Finds More B2B Spending On Content Marketing Programs

CMI-StudyVirtually all B2B marketers now engage in content marketing, and the use of various content formats is up across the board, according to a new study.

The 2013 B2B Content Marketing study, conducted by the Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs, and sponsored by Brightcove, surveyed more than 1,400 marketing professionals. More than 90% of the respondents say they use content marketing, and they spend an average of 33% of their budgets on the practice compared to 26% last year.

Interactive Content Platforms Gaining Popularity As Marketers Look For New Engagement Paths

With more messaging being received and content being consumed on mobile devices, marketers are increasingly investing in tools that allow them to engage buyers across channels and platforms.

Recent statistics identify the reasons for this trend: According to Demand Gen Report’s 2012 Content Preferences Study, 84% of executives indicated they now use a laptop most frequently to access business-related content. In addition, 70% said they use a mobile phone to access content, and 49% use a tablet.

Study: Most B2B Organizations Still Take Hit-Or-Miss Approach To Messaging

CorporateVMany B2B sales and marketing organizations still exhibit a serious lack of alignment when it comes to messaging and content, according to a recent survey of more than 730 sale and marketing professionals.

The study, conducted by Corporate Visions, Inc., included questions about messaging, content and tools development within B2B sales and marketing organizations. According to a summary of the study's findings, three major issues are contributing to a lack of alignment within many of these organizations: