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Content Strategies

Shifts in B2B buying patterns call for a new, soft-selling approach. This section highlights the rapidly evolving need to demonstrate value propositions via content marketing and educate prospects more effectively.

B2B Marketers Look To Personalize Web Content By Company, Industry And Role

WebsitePersonalization ImageTo begin the B2B buying process, many prospects go to the web sites of potential vendors to get a feel for what each company can offer. Since the company web site is often the first touch point for potential customers, vendors must find ways to provide relevant content up front.

To accomplish this, B2B marketers are increasingly turning to web site personalization to provide content that is specifically geared towards individual buyers, largely segmented by industry, department, function or role. Some are even taking it to the next level and presenting company-specific content to visitors.

  • Written by Glenn Taylor, Associate Editor
  • Category: Content Strategies
  • Hits: 13556

Lee Odden: How To Be The Best Answer Wherever Customers Are Looking

Lee OddenBuyers are looking for answers everywhere — on social media, in conversations with their peers and plugging key words into a search engine.

“Integrated marketing means your brand is the best answer when and where your buyers need it,” Lee Odden, CEO of TopRank Online Marketing, told an audience at the recent 2014 Marketo Marketing Nation Summit.

Ann Handley: B2B Marketers Need To Be Real-Time Story Tellers

Ann Handley headshotWhen B2B marketers watch content from B2C heavyweights like Oreo and Red Bull go viral, it can make them yearn to do the same. While they may not have the same reach, there are some things that B2B marketers can borrow from B2C content marketers and traditional publishing and even go beyond that model.

“In reality, content is a struggle for most of us,” Ann Handley, Chief Content Officer for MarketingProfs, told an early-morning audience at the recent 2014 Marketing Nation Summit. “Let’s take what we know works in traditional publishing and give it a makeover. We need content that conveys empathy and experiences that go beyond articles and blog posts.”

Content2Conversion Conversations: Creating Powerful Content That Buyers Can’t Resist

David-Lewis-DemandGenBy gaining a greater understanding of what triggers the brain to buy, marketers can create an almost irresistible impulse to purchase.

In his presentation at the upcoming B2B Content2Conversion Conference, David Lewis, Founder and CEO of DemandGen International, will discuss how that can be accomplished through neuromarketing. This new field of marketing research, which studies how consumers’ brains respond to marketing stimuli, is shaping the future of content marketing.

  • Written by Kim Ann Zimmermann, Managing Editor
  • Category: Content Strategies
  • Hits: 5022

Video And Interactive Content Help Reveal Buyers’ Digital Body Language

Content marketing has become an integral part of the B2B landscape. Interactive and video content are gaining significant traction as marketers seek more engaging alternatives to standard white papers and E-books. According to the 2013 Demshutterstock 93570352and Gen Report B2B Content Preferences Survey, 50% of respondents said they had viewed a video to research a B2B purchasing decision in the past year.

Video and interactive content offer a rich set of metrics and the ability to add more compelling calls to action based on how the buyer engages with the video or interactive content. If, for example, a buyer exhibits an interest in a segment of a video on a particular feature of your offering, they can be directed to a white paper for more detailed information.

  • Written by Brian Anderson, Associate Editor
  • Category: Content Strategies
  • Hits: 8608

CMO Council Survey: Content Sharing Circles Have Strong Impact on Vendor Selection

Research stock imageBusiness buyers have become more reliant on third-party information to make business decisions and look to content sharing circles to help them along the buying process, according to a new study conducted by The CMO Council in partnership with NetLine Corporation.

The study, titled: The Content Connection to Vendor Selection, provides insight into how different types of marketing content impact critical stages of the buying process.

Webinar: Putting The Right Content Strategies, Technologies And Teams In Place To Tell A Compelling Story

webinar image - shutterstock 110059637Content marketing has become a primary tactic for many marketers, and with good reason. Nearly three quarters (70%) of B2B buyers report that they rely more on content this year compared to the previous year. Modern marketers are looking for ways to stay ahead of the game by providing insightful content — at the right time — to their audience.

In a recent webinar, titled: The Future Of Content Marketing: How To Rise (And Stay!) Above The Noise, representatives from Marketo and Curata discussed the continuously changing content marketing landscape. They outlined the strategies and technologies needed to maintain the right content marketing mix going forward.

  • Written by Brian Anderson, Associate Editor
  • Category: Content Strategies
  • Hits: 2578

“Unteaching” Customers And Breaking Through The Noise With Challenger Marketing

speaker hs adamson 470Brent Adamson has changed the selling methods of companies around the world as the co-author of The Challenger Sale. The book has appeared on The Wall Street Journal’s Top 10 Business Books list more than a dozen times and has sold 185,000 copies on Amazon.

Adamson is applying the Challenger concept to marketing and will provide a comprehensive overview at the upcoming B2B Content2Conversion Conference, being held May 7-8, 2014 in New York City.

In an interview with Demand Gen Report, Adamson previewed his presentation, which will outline the tenets of Challenger Marketing, the process of “unteaching” the customer and the skills of successful Challenger Marketers.