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Feature Articles

Email Deliverability’s Impact On Demand Gen Success Examined In New Strategy Guide

ESP-GuideMetrics such as “inbox placement rate” have emerged as critical success factors for demand generation campaigns. A new special report from DemandGen Report, titled, the “Marketer’s Guide to Email Strategies,” offers a compilation of industry-related trend pieces from email marketers, analysts and vendor executives.

Deliverability is a central theme in the Guide, as research shows 20% of permission-based marketing messages still never reaches the inbox. The Guide features input from industry experts including Brooks Bell, ReturnPath’s Stephanie Miller, Bronto’s Sally Lowery and Silverpop’s Adam Needles.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Feature Articles
  • Hits: 3572

Response Rates Under Pressure; Experts Offer Best Practice Tips

dwell-rate-conversion-rate-eyeblasterWith the number of campaigns hitting prospects increasing by 32% over the last four years, according to SiriusDecisions’ 2010 BtoB Buyer’s Survey, climbing from 15.4 per week to 20.3 per week, there is growing pressure for marketers to create messaging that stands out and drives conversions.

SiriusDecisions benchmark data pulled from hundreds of BtoB companies shows that average response rates range between 2% and 5%. Megan Heuer, Service Director, Marketing Operations Strategies, at SiriusDecisions, pointed out that best-in-class companies achieve higher response rates with “better targeting and relevant content aligned with the buyer’s journey.”

Marketers Advised To Leverage A Content Mapping Strategy

As BtoB marketers are tasked with making messaging more relevant at every phase of the buying cycle, content marketing has emerged as a key component of the sales and marketing process.

In a webinar last week titled, “Content Mapping: Where to Start, What You Need and How it Works,” a panel of industry experts offered strategies to effectively leverage a content mapping strategy as a supplemental approach to BtoB marketing.

“Influences are now throughout the Internet and our prospects are engaging with them and not necessarily with your messaging, which is where content marketing comes into pay,” said Scott Mersy, VP Marketing,