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Simple Data Control With ActionGrid

ActionGrid logoActionGrid, from CRMCulture, is a Salesforce productivity app designed to turn the user’s Salesforce lists into user-friendly grid formats.


The tool is designed to help Salesforce users visualize a large quantity of relevant data in a single view, ultimately allowing for easier information consumption. ActionGrid comes with segmentation features that can allow users to group, filter, preview and gain sub-totals for data matching a particular field.

The solution intends to give users an easier experience when navigating through their Salesforce database, leading to increased productivity and overall user effectiveness.


Salesforce compatibility.


Pricing starts at $8/month per user.

Competitive Positioning

ActionGrid is designed to provide the same level of data control that marketing and sales teams are used to having in Excel spreadsheets. This leads to users having little to no training time required to use the solution to maximum effectiveness.

The solution also comes with drag-and-drop capabilities, giving users more control of data set grouping to compile a complete analysis. Users also can filter data located within an already filtered dataset, providing deeper insights that can then be leveraged for concise business decisions.

Contact Information


1455 Dixon Avenue, Suite 300

Lafayette, CO 80026

(720) 536-8875

[email protected]