MRP Prelytix Aims To Bring Data-Driven Insights, Alignment To Marketing And Sales
- Written by Elise Schoening
- Published in Solution Spotlight
MRP Prelytix is designed to help companies acquire new business by triggering joint sales and marketing actions, activating data insights and measuring and optimizing success based on revenue impact. The platform uses streaming predictive analytics to deliver insight-driven ABM as a standalone platform, or through full CRM and MAP integrations, according to the company.
MRP Prelytix is positioned to gather continuous insights from first-, second- and third-party data, including CRM intel, buyer persona data derived from predictive algorithms, B2B web data and rules-based alerts, to drive account-based marketing and personalization.
The platform aims to target demand units with messages and tactics most likely to resonate. It offers programmatic digital advertising, email marketing, direct mail marketing and sales support that are designed to be highly personalized and grounded in intelligence.
Using machine learning to gather insights from sales and marketing engagement, MRP Prelytix aims to create a closed-loop system in which sales and marketing orchestration continually improve. The platform is positioned to help marketing and sales teams visualize demand units and create a long-term strategy for impactful marketing and sales engagement.
MRP Prelytix is designed for marketing and sales executives across verticals seeking to maximize marketing ROI, convert leads into sales and drive revenue. It is ideal for marketing and sales executives looking to transform their marketing operations through the use of artificial intelligence.
MRP Prelytix is positioned to seamlessly integrate with CRM and ERP systems, and enhance these technologies with artificial intelligence and data insights to turn companies’ first-party, proprietary sales data into action and results.
MRP Prelytix delivery and pricing models are customized to meet the needs and objectives of clients.
MRP Prelytix is used by leading financial services, facilities management, technology and media companies, such as Oracle, SAP and Hewlett Packard Enterprise.
Because artificial intelligence is embedded into MRP Prelytix, the platform is designed to go beyond marketing automation to transform marketing departments. MRP Prelytix aims to utilize real-time streaming data and insights to drive action, generate qualified leads through the sales funnel, deliver immediate impact and help marking and sales teams develop a long-term transformational strategy.
1818 Market Street
37th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103