Lotame Offers Data Enrichment Suite For Fuller View Of Digital Activity

Panorama by data management platform Lotame is a suite of data enrichment solutions designed to create and analyze addressable audiences across cookie-challenged web browsers, mobile apps and OTT channels for improved identification and engagement.

Back-Of-The-Box Details

Lotame Panorama provides users with a fuller view of digital channel activity and actionable insights into their connected OTT, online and mobile ecosystems, analyzing cookie data to identify active buyers and engage target audiences.

The suite contains three data enrichment services:

  • Panorama Insights, which offers a varied set of curated data tools and analysis for better storytelling, prospecting, segmentation and data modeling without requiring cookies, enabling a bigger picture of high-quality audience attributes and affinities at scale;
  • Panorama Buyer, designed to connect attributes and behaviors across first-, second- and third-party data, enabling the creation of addressable audiences in cookie-challenged environments like Safari, Firefox and Chrome, and on all devices; and
  • Panorama Seller, a solution that enables publishers to monetize their inventory across browsers, mobile apps and OTT through direct or programmatic advertising, allowing publishers to pass third-party attributes and behaviors into cookie-challenged environments and set exact CPMs.

Who It's For

Lotame Panorama is designed for marketers, agencies, publishers and media companies looking to analyze cookie data and address target audiences.

What Makes It Special

Panorama enables marketers and publishers to identify, target and understand their audience using first-, second- and third-party data, circumventing blocked cookies and helping them identify potential buyers.

