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Survey: 48% Of B2B Marketers Leverage Third-Party Data For ABM

1openprisestudyB2B marketers are finding that third-party data has a positive impact on identifying prospects within target accounts, according to a study published by Openprise, a data automation solutions provider.

The 2017 B2B Data Market Industry Report, which surveyed 175 U.S.-based B2B marketing professionals regarding their use of external data, found that 62% of B2B marketers surveyed use third-party data to identify contacts within target companies. Of those marketers, more than half (52%) said it’s useful when identifying new target companies.

Of note, less than half (48%) of marketers surveyed leverage third-party data for their ABM efforts. This outcome is perhaps a reflection of the fact that ABM practices are still gaining widespread adoption.

The report also revealed that, overall, more than half (56%) of those surveyed are “very satisfied” with their current data providers, while 38% were “somewhat satisfied.” Satisfaction rates drop in large organizations. Sixty-seven percent of marketers at small companies are very satisfied with their data providers, but only 31% of their counterparts at large enterprises agree.